These editorial cartoons show how a recent controversial outbreak has occurred regarding Mark Twain's 'Huckleberry Finn'. It has been proposed that the n-word should be censored because it makes students uncomfortable reading it. I believe that this censorship is just a waste of time and people should focus on more important issues such as how to better the economy than to try to censor an American classic. The second cartoon also emphasizes that rappers nowadays also use the n-word but do they get censored? No. They make millions and thousands of their records are sold across the nation. If they should start to censor that word it should also begin with all the lyrics all these rappers like Jay-Z and 50 cent than to start with a book that shows how life was back then. The book showed that back then people like Jim were called this word but just because it makes a few people uncomfortable to read doesn't mean that gives editors the right to edit this word out. I personally had no problem reading this word when I read it my junior year in high school and neither did any of the students in my class. However I suppose some others find some offensive in that n-word and believe it should not be repeated or seen in literature. Huckleberry Finn shows how history was and is part of American history. You can't just censor that.
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