Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day


          Veteran's Day is a special holiday apart from the rest throughout the whole year. It's not a time to dress up in costumes and go door to door asking for candy, nor is it a time to stuff your face with turkey or receive millions of presents that sometimes we dont necessarily need. No, Veteran's Day is a time to reflect and give thanks to those brave and loyal enough to fight for our country and through that struggle defend its citizens with their blood as a sacrifice. This cartoon shows how sometimes people don't appreciate what a true hero can signify. It's not a popularity contest that attracts the media but a simple decision to do what is right for others and for the future of the nation. None of my family members have participated in any wars so I do not have great-great grandfather veteran stories like many others. Despite that, I really admire and respect those fallen in the name of freedom and justice. A hero, in my personal opinion, is not defined by having a million hits from people on Youtube but a person that despite their human nature to be selfish and lazy, they fight, struggle and shed blood for me...for you...for our nation..and future generations.

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