Tuesday, November 30, 2010


1. Are you or people you know less likely to buy any of the products listed as a result of the development of smart phones?

                -I personally don't like the new touch screen smartphones. I know many of my family relatives and friends would love the idea of having all these neat apps on their phone from surfing the Internet to playing games. People are attracted to wanting more and more and these smartphones provide a great number of things to do. I believe a phone holds only a primary purpose to communicate with others and that's about it. Everything else is just extra capabilities that I don't need.

2. In general, do you think it is an advantage or a disadvantage to have so many of your technological functions in a single device?

             -I believe that having a single device hold so many technological functions is a huge disadvantage to society. Teenagers already are glued to their phones with texting their friends and updating their Facebook so if smartphones are used more, their addiction will only increase and become worse. Not only will teenagers be addicted but adults as well will only want to be updating apps and glued to their phone screens. Its a problematic addiction waiting to happen.

3. How have smart phones improved our lives?

             -Despite the various amount of problems that can come with smartphones, this device can also help people be more resourceful and economical. It can help people save money from buying new computers or other technological devices that will soon not be necessary. This gadget is portable and your information will always be at your reach wherever you go. It has also caused society to grow in the technological industry and experiment with new inventions.

4. What do you think has been the most important invention of your lifetime? How do your answers compare with the most important inventions of your parents’, grandparents or great-grandparents’ lifetimes?

                  -Digital camera. I have always loved taking pictures as a young kid and when the chance to see how the picture came out before we ordered them was like a dream come true for me. My parents said that the color tv was a great invention to them as they saw in their childhoods the transition to black and white to the color burst on the television set.

5. “There are plenty of studies which insist that smart phones will begin to replace the PC as the common vehicle for accessing the Internet.” Do you agree? If so, does this mean PCs are on their way out? Would you ever stop using them?

                 -I believe that the technological devices of smartphones can easily replace the PC if the demand of these gadgets continues to grow. With the popular advertisement of the smartphones and the many capabilities they have, the PC is sure to be forgotten. I personally would never prefer to search the Internet with a smartphone. For my studies, I would continue to use my PC and sit down at a desk to do research and other things.

6. Do you have any need for TVs, radios, and other devices, rather than just using your computer for everything? Would you ever want to use your phone as a TV or radio? What are the barriers to either of these things happening? 

                -I do use the computer more now for school work as teachers are relying more and more on the Internet to let students interact and finish their homework from home. I do sometimes watch TV and listen to the radio every night so I don't think I am completely relying on my computer for everything. I would never use my computer as a TV because I believe that a computer is a privilege that should be used for my studies primarily. Even if the TV and radio get outdated, I think I will continue to use them despite smartphones growing in society. 

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