Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Self Assessment

At first look, I don't appear to many as a very talkative and confident person. I always look down as I'm walking and try to avoid eye contact with anyone coming my direction, especially if it's a cute guy because I'll start hyperventilating as well. I used to have the habit of not talking to anyone unless they themselves first tried to have a conversation with me. The thought of sounding stupid and weird would make me paranoid with fear of meeting new people so I would push the small amount of self-confidence I had in me away. My lack of communication skills leaves me feeling trapped when I so desperately want to tell people how I feel about them and maybe certain issues around me. I realize that communication is key to help me succeed in life and I need to overcome my fear so I started working at the hospital where I would be forced to talk to complete strangers wanting to go visit family members or pick up patients and send them home. I have also forced myself to talk to people around me that I never had the courage to do.

My listening skills have always been attributed to the lack of talking that I used to do. So instead of talking to people, I would just listen to their conversations and occasionally nod or shake my head. I listen to my friends whenever they have problems and closely observe everything to say so I can provide them with some sort of advice that my head can come up with.

Since the 7th grade, I have kept a journal where I would write down my thoughts about whatever was going in my life. I would write about the torture of school or any new puppy crushes that I had which only lasted a couple of weeks. Soon instead of writing about boys and teenage nonsense, I started to write short stories, poems, and lyrics for songs. My vocabulary expanded and my thoughts became more mature and intellectual as I started examining the world and its complexity. I also joined the Journalism team for my school's UIL and that pushed me to continue writing.

I have a great curiosity that allows me to explore new topics in writing and a great variety things happening in the world. I, however, do not watch the news regularly and I know sometimes I don't know some news that is going on in my own city. I can be oblivious to important news and I need to start watching the news so I can have a greater amount of information.

My self-confidence is under construction right now as I am barely starting to work my way to become more social with people. I still have my moments of self-doubt when I wear my baggy clothes or glasses and I become sad and think I look ugly. However I am slowly starting to tell myself that I need to accept who I am and how I look. With this construction that I am undergoing I slowly try to become less shy, more curious, and more self-confidence that can help me communicate with others and write more interesting blogs that can show people that I have a voice.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


1. Are you or people you know less likely to buy any of the products listed as a result of the development of smart phones?

                -I personally don't like the new touch screen smartphones. I know many of my family relatives and friends would love the idea of having all these neat apps on their phone from surfing the Internet to playing games. People are attracted to wanting more and more and these smartphones provide a great number of things to do. I believe a phone holds only a primary purpose to communicate with others and that's about it. Everything else is just extra capabilities that I don't need.

2. In general, do you think it is an advantage or a disadvantage to have so many of your technological functions in a single device?

             -I believe that having a single device hold so many technological functions is a huge disadvantage to society. Teenagers already are glued to their phones with texting their friends and updating their Facebook so if smartphones are used more, their addiction will only increase and become worse. Not only will teenagers be addicted but adults as well will only want to be updating apps and glued to their phone screens. Its a problematic addiction waiting to happen.

3. How have smart phones improved our lives?

             -Despite the various amount of problems that can come with smartphones, this device can also help people be more resourceful and economical. It can help people save money from buying new computers or other technological devices that will soon not be necessary. This gadget is portable and your information will always be at your reach wherever you go. It has also caused society to grow in the technological industry and experiment with new inventions.

4. What do you think has been the most important invention of your lifetime? How do your answers compare with the most important inventions of your parents’, grandparents or great-grandparents’ lifetimes?

                  -Digital camera. I have always loved taking pictures as a young kid and when the chance to see how the picture came out before we ordered them was like a dream come true for me. My parents said that the color tv was a great invention to them as they saw in their childhoods the transition to black and white to the color burst on the television set.

5. “There are plenty of studies which insist that smart phones will begin to replace the PC as the common vehicle for accessing the Internet.” Do you agree? If so, does this mean PCs are on their way out? Would you ever stop using them?

                 -I believe that the technological devices of smartphones can easily replace the PC if the demand of these gadgets continues to grow. With the popular advertisement of the smartphones and the many capabilities they have, the PC is sure to be forgotten. I personally would never prefer to search the Internet with a smartphone. For my studies, I would continue to use my PC and sit down at a desk to do research and other things.

6. Do you have any need for TVs, radios, and other devices, rather than just using your computer for everything? Would you ever want to use your phone as a TV or radio? What are the barriers to either of these things happening? 

                -I do use the computer more now for school work as teachers are relying more and more on the Internet to let students interact and finish their homework from home. I do sometimes watch TV and listen to the radio every night so I don't think I am completely relying on my computer for everything. I would never use my computer as a TV because I believe that a computer is a privilege that should be used for my studies primarily. Even if the TV and radio get outdated, I think I will continue to use them despite smartphones growing in society. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day


          Veteran's Day is a special holiday apart from the rest throughout the whole year. It's not a time to dress up in costumes and go door to door asking for candy, nor is it a time to stuff your face with turkey or receive millions of presents that sometimes we dont necessarily need. No, Veteran's Day is a time to reflect and give thanks to those brave and loyal enough to fight for our country and through that struggle defend its citizens with their blood as a sacrifice. This cartoon shows how sometimes people don't appreciate what a true hero can signify. It's not a popularity contest that attracts the media but a simple decision to do what is right for others and for the future of the nation. None of my family members have participated in any wars so I do not have great-great grandfather veteran stories like many others. Despite that, I really admire and respect those fallen in the name of freedom and justice. A hero, in my personal opinion, is not defined by having a million hits from people on Youtube but a person that despite their human nature to be selfish and lazy, they fight, struggle and shed blood for me...for you...for our nation..and future generations.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Editioral Cartoon


I am not really involved into politics and try to avoid it as much as possible. Its not that I dont care about important issues around me but with politics comes corruption. Corruption and politics go hand and hand and results in improper use of power by people and overlooking issues that affect people around the nation. As of November 2008, the United States had its first black president, Barack Obama. His democratic beliefs and ideals promised people change and for the nation to rise up strong. Don't get me wrong, I think Barack Obama is doing a great job despite the recession and the war in Iraq that is hanging on his shoulders by providing people money and bringing back soldiers from the war. However many people have yet to see any drastic "change" and with the November elections, this anger was shown. People against Obama have mind set that the president that he has been abusing his power and corrupting his right and resorted to voting a Republican candidate for Speaker of the House. Their anger caused them to vote and convince others to vote for the Republicans so more of their ideas can be infiltrated into the White House. Hopefully this angry decision does result in more change for the nation and its citizens.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tips For Taking Better Photos


I have always loved taking pictures ever since I was a little girl. I would beg my mom crying to let her lend me the camera so I could take a picture of my favorite stuffed bear Kobe. I'm always the one at my family's parties taking pictures of my little cousin's cake covered face or of my tia dancing.Photography has always been an interesting thing I would like to pursue and expand my knowledge on it.  I recently read an article called Top 10 Tips for Great Pictures that showed me various methods  that could improve my photography skills like looking at my subject on eye level and locking the focus on my subject to get a crisp, focused picture that looks professinal. With these tips, I want to see how my photography improves with a more professional view that could impress your audience.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Lord of the Rings triology: My Dorky Favorite Movie

Elfs. Dwarfs. Magical rings. The Lord of the Rings triology has this and much more fantasy filled creatures and places that pull the audience into its enchanting charm. I am not what you call a dork or geek but I really enjoy seeing all the graphics and special effects that bring the film to life leaving me at the edge of my seat following closely the danger and adventure of Frodo and his friends.

Editioral Cartoon-Chile Miners Stuck

It was barely today that I found out about the trapped Chile miners and the cave they have been stuck in for the past 2 months trying to survive. I don't know how 33 miners could have survived underground with limited supply of food and water but these people have certainly learned the survival way to stay alive that long. I think these people are very strong and patient despite the circumstance they are in being trapped underground for so long. I know the miners have communication with people above them and have provided videos to those on the surface saying they are ok. I recently found out that rescue is almost possible for these people as others are trying to figure out how to get them out through several techniques. I sincerely hope that these people underground can yet again see the light of day soon.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Senior Moments

As I walk the crowded halls trying to get to class, a pack of freshmen stand in my way talking and babbling about their friends. Suddenly a voice sounds out yelling, "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY FRESHMEN!" Fellow seniors scream at the little fishes to move and the once congested halls suddenly disperse as they stand scared at the giant seniors. The seniors and I now walk past the little freshmen and head our way as we grin with pride. Another experience I had was when we had the pep a rally and the seniors(of course) won all the challenges while the underclassmen complained. I hope to have more senior moments along the way.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What's Good on TV?

This month, new TV shows have erupted unto our TV sets as there are now a great amount of new shows that have hit the American audience. A new TV show that aired this month is the spy television series Undercovers. This show looks like something that could catch my eye as it combines mystery and action into a perfect combination that will leave the audience wanting more. It interests me and I hope to continue watching it.

I am not really a TV kind of person but when I do have some extra time from homework and chores I like to watch Leverage, a TNT television drama series that features a team of modern day Robin Hoods. They trick the wealthy, greedy company owners and come up with several unique cons to get back at them and give back to the working class that has been affected. It has a funny and dramatic sense as they go through danger and several threats to do what is right.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If I Had The Power...

Everyone wishes they had the power to change something in school, to possess the control to change rules and policies, and the privilege to finally call the shots. If I had the power I would change the lunch options in the cafeteria. The school does not have enough salads or variety for students to choose from when they run to the cafeteria looking for food. Restaurants should be employed in the cafeteria and provide the students lunch variaties to choose from sushi to salads that could be beneficial to student's health. If more healthy foods are offered, students would most likely choose these new choices and improve the health situation in school.

Constitution Day

Constitution Day is the 17th of September and signifies an important day to our nation as this document defined and helped mold our country into what it is today. The 14th Amendment, which this political cartoon is illustrating, discusses the issue that all people born in the United States automatically are considered to be U.S. citizens. This amendment allows illegal immigrant mothers to give birth in the United States with the hope that their children will have the privilege and right to be called American citizens and have all the benefits the nation offers to its people everything from health care to food stamps to education. These children are called “anchor babies” and because of their citizenship are allowed for their families to be here. The illustration depicts the controversial idea of what is the right decision to take with this concept that many illegal immigrants especially Mexicans are abusing by risking their lives crossing the border to have their children here. I believe that this amendment can be good as well as well as be abused if certain people take advantage of this right continuously. Mexican illegal immigrant mothers come to the United States to birth their children here and this number of women traveling from their country into our nation is growing and causing problems. Once they are here their children become U.S. citizens but they however are still illegal and run the risk of getting caught by “the migra” and taken over back across the border. However despite these immigrant mothers breaking the law and crossing over illegally, they hold a deep and hopeful reason for bringing their children to America. They come expecting for their children to have the benefits and live the “American Dream” when they could not themselves. In a way, the 14th Amendment is indeed abused and continues to create problems but in my opinion gives hope to families that their children will be taken care of.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The First Three Weeks of School

     Seniors 2011...The big year..The last year...but so far I haven't felt any of those emotions yet. These first three weeks of school have been pretty mellow and ordinary; feeling much like junior year. Everyone knows what grade they are in and who is above and below them in the high school ladder we call school but I have yet to feel the great right of being called a senior.
      Freshmen this year have stormed into BETA congesting the halls and screaming at the top of their lungs to another friend of theirs at the other end of the hall annoying everyone around them. Sophomores are glad they aren't "fishies" anymore but still haven't passed the goofy stage in life. Juniors seem a little bit more mature as they get closer and closer to their senior year and graduation. However, seniors have shown no sign of superiority and many don't feel they are.
     Homework and plans for college are also troubling minds for me as counselors and teachers are starting to prepare the seniors for the real world. Colleges and even more colleges are out there and the choices are endless for me as I try to narrow my search and try to pick the right choice. It's a scary thought of leaving my friends, the people I laugh, joke around, and spend every day with to suddenly disperse and head their own way.
     BETA has really changed this year in size, new lunch policies, construction projects changing the landscape, and new ideas evidently transforming the small school. Despite all these changes, I plan to make this year worthwhile and memorable by living every moment to the max. Hopefully as the school progresses, I can finally feel and say to others "It's a Senior Thing".